Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Welcome to the official site of Second Opinion Cinema, a movie review podcast specifically catering to movies on DVD, Blu-ray, and cable.

Most movie review shows focus on movies that are currently in theaters...but why imitate everyone else? Kristen and Steve are two film-savvy people who spend most of their available time parked on the couch watching movies that have been out for a while, and then talking about them in-depth with each other...why not record it and share it with the world? People have done worse things than that on the internet...

So, coming soon, please join Steve and Kristen (and, sometimes, a guest host or two) for a discussion about movies that you may love, or hate, or have never seen...but, either way, when we're done with them, you'll at least know what we think about them!

Just as a quick primer on our methods, we will be reviewing films on the following scale:

OWN IT - Our highest rating. Basically, we liked it so much, we think it should stand proudly in anyone's home video collection (or, at least, in ours). It's worth the money to buy it.

RENT IT - It's worth a viewing, and you shouldn't be afraid to spend a few bucks to bring it home (or to take up a slot in your NetFlix queue). Worth a little cash, but not all the way.

CABLE IT - Yes, it's worth seeing, but don't go out of your way. Catch it if it's on.

SKIP IT  - If this requires explanation, I'm surprised you can use a computer to even read this...

Second Opinion Cinema Podcast - COMING SOON!